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Contribute to the European Citizens Association (ECA)

The main objective of the ECA is to safeguard and promote the European Union’s fundamental values.

How do we intend to accomplish our task?

  • By contributing to the development of a common culture in security and defence and of a common EU identity
  • By increasing citizens’ resilience to information manipulation concerning the European Union.

How can you contribute to the ECA’s success in pursuing our common objective?

You can:

  • Become a Member

Who can be admitted as member?

    • Αny natural person, citizen of the European Union, who sends his/her written and motivated application to the registered office of the Association (to the attention of the Secretariat).

The membership fee for natural persons amount to €20,00.

A reduced membership fee of €10,00 applies to students who provide proof of registration at a secondary school or higher education institution;

  • Become an Associate Member

Who can be admitted as associate member?

    • Αny legal person (e.g. commercial companies, non-profit organisation, NGO or governmental organisation) that expresses the desire to create a link with the Association and addresses its written and motivated candidacy to the registered office of the Association (to the attention of the Secretariat). In return for a donation, either financial or in kind, the logo of the organisation will be shown on the website of the ECA and during events. The exact modalities will be discussed between the ECA Secretariat and the potential Associated Member
    • Any natural person not citizen of  European Union

What are the benefits of Associate Members?

    • Receive, at their request, all public information concerning the ECA;
    • Participate in meetings without voting right;
    • Be invited to participate in other activities.
  • Support citizens’ initiatives relating to the aims of the Association;
  • Participate in the development of mutual support networks between members of the Association;
  • Be actively involved in the establishment of a Pan-European network of European Union citizens wishing to promote the values of the European Union;
  • Take part in conferences, debates and other activities promoted by the ECA that can contribute to greater awareness of the values of the European Union on a continental scale;
  • Collaborate with educational and security and defence institutions at national and European level.
  • Donate: The Association can receive donations, in compliance with article 9:22 of the Code of Companies and Associations.

You can choose the way that best suits your financial and philanthropic objectives:

  • Online – You can support with a one-time or recurring donation online via credit or debit card.

Nonprofit organizations regularly receive tax breaks from the government because these organizations are operating on a not for profit basis. Individuals who donate to those organizations may also receive tax deductions on their income taxes for the donation of goods and cash.

For more detailed information on how to support the ECA and how to apply for a membership, please contact us via mail.

ECA members

ECA network

The European Citizens Association, which is not for profit, aims to safeguard and promote the European Union’s fundamental values and to increase citizens’ resilience to information manipulation. From its very first day of creation the association had a pan European and multidiscipline character as its 13 founding members come from 10 different Member States having different professional and academic background. Some of us are actors of the European Union (EU) policies from professional background. All of us, in our individual capacities, are convinced that wealth and peace in our countries and on our continent can only be enhanced through greater integration of our societies and nations. All of us share the same passion to make our Union and societies better and more integrated.
Copyright © 2025. European Citizens Association. Website created by Ruxbo

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