Founding Members


Daniel FIOTT

is Security and Defence Editor at the EU Institute for Security Studies. He is also a Visiting Professor on European security at the Free University of Brussels (VUB) and the University of Kent. He was educated at the University of Cambridge and he completed his doctoral studies at the Free University of Brussels (VUB).

Petteri TAITTO

(Master of Education, LtCol G.S.) is independent consultant providing coaching, mentoring and advising for security authorities, emergency response and peace support. Taitto has earlier held positions in the European External Action Service, as operation planner and as the training manager responsible for EU CSDP Mission related training programs at the European Security and Defence College. His other earlier appointments include such as Principal Scientist at the Laurea Unversity, CMCFinland Head of Training, Principal Lecturer at the Emergency Services College, and various assignments in Finnish Defence Forces, including teacher at the National Defence University. He is EU Civil Protection expert since 2006, and served several times in NATO and in United Nations missions. His publications include articles on EU Integrated Approach, Cyber security, CSDP capability development, and training and education methodologies.


works at the Military Academy, Portugal, as Assistant Professor in the Department of Administration and Leadership, and was awarded a PhD in History, Defence and International Relations from the University of Lisbon and Academia Militar. Sofia is Section Coordinator of the Leadership: People and Organizations master’s degree and also Erasmus Coordinator. As a member of the board of CINAMIL (Military Academy Research Center) she is in charge of Communication and External Relations. Apart from being engaged in projects in the fields of Gender Mainstreaming and Emotional Intelligence, Sofia also gives training in Communication and Development of Soft Skills. Currently, she is taking an MSc in Sciences on Emotions. Part of her hobbies is acting and playwriting.


Harald GELL


is a Senior Researcher at the European Studies Unit of the University of Liège (ULiège, Belgium) since 2006, working on defence (defence higher education) and security (non-proliferation of arms and weapons of mass destruction).

He notably built the foundations of the « Military Erasmus » and of the « European Doctoral School on the Common Security and Defence Policy » initiatives and collaborates with the European Security and Defence College for their implementations and for designing other actions that contribute to the enhancement of a common strategic culture at the European level.

He also manages or participates to cooperation and outreach programmes of the European Union aimed at consolidating third countries’ capacities and resilience vis-à-vis CBRN threats and proliferation of arms and weapons of mass destruction worldwide.



is currently a Brussels correspondent for the Cyprus Broadcasting Corporation (CYBC) and the Cyprus News Agency (CNA). He has been reporting on European Affairs since 2004 with the Hellenic State Television and Radio, the RealMedia S.A and Star TV Greece, extensively followed the sovereign debt crisis in the aftermath of the financial collapse of 2008 and reported on the reformation of the European Financial Architecture, the bailouts of Greece and Cyprus, as well as EU accession negotiations with Turkey, the terrorist attacks on EU soil and the UK withdrawal agreement talks.He holds a PhD in Sociology from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, on “Religion and Particularity – The meaning of Religion and Christianity in the Japanese Society”, ΜΑ in Sociology of Relgion from the same University and has been a fellow of the Egawa laboratory of the Tokyo institute of technology (VALDES , graduate school of Decision science and Technology, University of Tokyo, 2005 – 2010) and the Interculturalism, Migration, Minorities, Research Center (IMMRC lab), in Brussels for the same period.

Hans – Bernhard, WEISSERTH


is a Professor of European Integration Theory and European Education Policy at the Department of International and European Studies, University of Piraeus, Greece. She holds a PhD with distinction in Political Sciences issued by the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens. Her thesis was awarded the Honorary Grant of the National Bank of Greece in memorial of Theodoros Karatzas by the Hellenic University Association for European Studies in 2008. She is currently the Chair of the European Doctoral School for the Common Security and Defence Policy of the European Security and Defence College, European External Action Service, in Brussels (2019-2021). She holds a Jean Monnet Chair on European Union’s Education, Training, Research and Innovation Policies awarded by the European Commission. She has been the academic coordinator of several European programmes.


was the Head of the Defence Policy and International Affairs Directorate at the Ministry of Defence and General Coordinator for issues concerning the Presidency of the Council of the EU at the Ministry of Defence during 2012. He served as a Helicopter Pilot, Medium-Artillery Unit Commander, Staff Officer, Director within various Staff Offices of the Artillery Command-Division and of Branch “C” of the National Guard General Staff. In addition, he served as liaison officer between the National Guard and the British Forces, and the United Nations Forces based in Cyprus, and also served as Coordinator of the National Guard, within the Operation Centre of the Republic of Cyprus, during the Lebanon crisis. Mr. Georgiou is a graduate of the ESDC High Level Course, Army Helicopters Academy, Artillery Academy and of the Hellenic Military Academy Evelpidon.

ECA members

ECA network

The European Citizens Association, which is not for profit, aims to safeguard and promote the European Union’s fundamental values and to increase citizens’ resilience to information manipulation. From its very first day of creation the association had a pan European and multidiscipline character as its 13 founding members come from 10 different Member States having different professional and academic background. Some of us are actors of the European Union (EU) policies from professional background. All of us, in our individual capacities, are convinced that wealth and peace in our countries and on our continent can only be enhanced through greater integration of our societies and nations. All of us share the same passion to make our Union and societies better and more integrated.
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